Bandhavgarh National Park

Bandhavgarh National Park (Devanagari: बांधवगढ राष्ट्रीय उद्दान) is one of the popular national parks in India located in the Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh. Bandhavgarh was declared a national park in 1968 with an area of 105 km². The buffer is spread over the forest divisions of Umaria and Katni and totals 437 km². The park derives its name from the most prominent hillock of the area, which is said to be given by Hindu Lord Rama to his brother Lakshmana to keep a watch on Lanka (Ceylon). Hence the name Bandhavgarh (Sanskrit: Brother's Fort).

This park has a large biodiversity. The density of the tiger population at Bandhavgarh is one of the highest known in India. The park has a large breeding population of Leopards, and various species of deer. Maharaja Martand Singh of Rewa captured the first white tiger in this region in 1951. This white tiger, Mohan, is now stuffed and on display in the palace of the Maharajas of Rewa.



The state of Rewa owes its origins to the foundation of a state dating to 1234 by Vyaghra Dev, a descendant of the Vaghelas of Gujarat. He married the daughter of the Raja of Pirhawan and conquered the territory between Kalpi and Chandalgarh. Karan Dev, son of Vyaghra Dev married the daughter of the Raja of Ratanpur, bringing Bandhogarh (now known as Bandhavgarh) into the family as her dowry. The legendary fortress of Bandhogarh fell into Mughal hands in 1597, almost by accident. At the death of H.H. Maharaja Virbhadra Rao in 1593, his minor son succeeded as H.H. Maharaja Vikramaditya. When he was sent to Delhi for his own safety, the emperor took advantage of his absence to send one of his loyal nobles as temporary governor. Once he had taken control of the fort, the Maharaja’s nobles and officials were expelled and the fort annexed by the Mughals. On his return to his remaining domains, H.H. Maharaja Vikramaditya was forced to establish a new capital at Rewa, from whence the state took its name.

The history of the region can be traced back to the 1st century. There are 39 caves in the Bandhavgarh fort and in the surrounding hillocks up to a radius of about 5 km. The oldest cave datesw from the 1st century. Several caves carry inscriptions in Brahmi script. Some caves have embossed figures such as tigers, pigs, elephants and horsemen. Badi gufa, the largest cave, has a broad entrance, nine small rooms and several pillars. It has been dated back to the 10th century. The cave appears to be primitive, lacking the elaborate statues and carvings seen in the caves of the Buddhist period. Its purpose remains a mystery.

No records are available to show when Bandhavgarh fort was constructed. However, it is thought to be some 2000 years old, and there are references to it in the ancient books, the “Narad-Panch Ratra” and the “Shiva Purana”. Various dynasties have ruled the fort; including the Mauryans from the 3rd century BC, Vakataka rulers from the 3rd to the 5th century the Sengars from the 5th century and the Kalachuris from the 10th century. In the 13th century, the Baghels took over, ruling from Bandhavgarh until 1617, when Maharaja Vikramaditya Singh moved his capital to Rewa. The last inhabitants deserted the fort in 1935.

Bandhagarh National Park is a park with a rich historical past. Prior to becoming a national park, the forests around Bandhavgarh had long been maintained as a Shikargah, or game preserve, of the Maharajas and their guests.

In 1947 Rewa State was merged with Madhya Pradesh; Bandhavgarh came under the regulations of Madhya Pradesh. The Maharaja of Rewa still retained the hunting rights. No special conservation measures were taken until 1968, when the areas were constituted as a national park. Since then, numerous steps have been taken to retain Bandhavgarh National Park as an unspoilt natural habitat.

Project Tiger was constituted in 1972 and then the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 came into force. It was realized that protection of just the 105 km² of prime Bandhavgarh habitat was not enough, so in 1982, three more ranges, namely Khitauli, Magdhi and Kallawah were added to Tala range (the original Bandhavgarh National Park) to extend the area of Bandhavgarh to 448 km². As Project tiger extended its activities and area of influence, Bandhavgarh was taken into its folds in 1993, and a core area of 694 km² was established including the previously named ranges and the Panpatha Sanctuary along with a buffer area of 437 km² which was declared as the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve.

The Famous Tigers of Bandhavgarh

Bandhavgarh has the highest density of Bengal tigers known in the world, and is home to some famous named individual tigers. Charger, an animal so named because of his habit of charging at elephants and tourists (whom he nonetheless did not harm), was the first healthy male known to be living in Bandhavgarh since the 1990s. A female known as Sita, who once appeared on the cover of National Geographic and is considered the most photographed tiger in the world, was also to be found in Bandhavgarh for many years. Most of the tigers of Bandhavgarh today are descendants of Sita and Charger.

Another female, known as Mohini, became prominent following Sita's death. She gave birth to two cubs from whom she was separated in 2003 following a vehicle accident and an incident in which tourists separated her from the cubs. She later died of her wounds from the vehicle accident.

Charger died in 2000. Between 2003 and 2006 his family met with a series of unfortunate ends. B1 was electrocuted and B3 was killed by poachers. Sita was killed by poachers. Mohini died of serious wounds to her body. The fully grown B2 survived as the dominant male in the forest between 2004 and 2007, mating with a female in the Siddhubaba region of Bandhavgarh and fathering three cubs. One of them was a male. This new male was first sighted in 2008 and is now Bandhavgarh's dominant male; however, one of his daughters has been known to mate with another male tiger who is likely to challenge B2's son for the crown.


Tourists are restricted to an area of 105 km² of the park, known as the Tala range. However this area is richest in terms of biodiversity, mainly tigers. There are four more ranges in the reserve namely – Magdhi, Kallwah, Khitauli and Panpatha. Together, these five ranges comprise the 'Core' of the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve constituting a total area of 694 km². The buffer zone is spread over the forest divisions of Umaria and Katni and totals another 437 km². The legal status as a national park dates back to 1968, but was limited only to the present Tala range for a considerable length of time. In 1993 the present scheme of things was put in place

According to bio-geographic classification, the area lies in Zone 6A- Deccan Peninsula, Central Highlands (Rodgers, Panwar & Mathur, 2000). The classification of Champion & Seth lists the area under Northern India Moist Deciduous Forests. The vegetation is chiefly of Sal forest in the valleys and on the lower slopes, gradually changing to mixed deciduous forest on the hills and in the hotter drier areas of the park in the south and west.

The wide valleys along the streams carry long linear grasslands flanked by Sal forests. Rich mixed forests consisting of Sal (shorea rubusta), Saja, Salai, and Dhobin etc. with dense bamboo thickets occur in many places. These together provide Bandhavgarh its rich biodiversity.

With the tiger at the apex of the food chain, it contains 37 species of mammals, more than 250 species of birds, about 80 species of butterflies, a number of reptiles. The richness and tranquility of grasslands invites pairs of Sarus Cranes to breed in the rainy season.

One of the biggest attractions of this national park is the tiger (panthera tigris tigris) and its sightings. Bandhavgarh has a very high density of tigers within the folds of its jungles. The 105 km² of park area open to tourists was reported to have 22 tigers, a density of one tiger for every 4.77 km². (Population estimation exercise 2001). There is a saying about the Park that goes: "In any other Park, You are lucky if you see a tiger. In Bandhavgarh, you are unlucky if you don't see (at least) one."

Bandhavgarh tiger reserve is densely populated with other species: the gaur, or Indian bison are now extinct or have migrated elsewhere; sambar and barking deer are a common sight, and nilgai are to be seen in the open areas of the park. There have been reports of the Indian Wolf (canis lupus indica), hyena and the caracal the latter being an open country dweller. The tiger reserve abounds with cheetal or the spotted deer (Axis axis) which is the main prey animal of the tiger and the leopard (Panthera pardus).


  1. Plum-headed Parakeet
  2. Orange-headed Thrush
  3. Brown-headed Barbet
  4. Coppersmith Barbet
  5. Common Myna
  6. Alexandrine Parakeet
  7. Indian Grey Hornbill
  8. Rock Pigeon
  9. House Crow
  10. Carrion Crow
  11. Little Egret
  12. Cattle Egret
  13. Great Egret
  14. Black Drongo
  15. Pond Heron
  16. Common Snipe
  17. Black-winged Stilt
  18. Red-wattled Lapwing
  19. Indian Peafowl
  20. Greater Coucal
  21. Oriental Magpie Robin
  22. Indian Roller
  23. Indian Robin
  24. Eurasian Collared Dove
  25. Hoopoe
  26. Sirkeer Malkoha
  27. Large-billed Crow
  28. White-browed Fantail Flycatcher
  29. Yellow-crowned Woodpecker
  30. Rufous Treepie (Normal And Pallida)
  31. Lesser Adjutant Stork
  32. Oriental White Eye
  33. Olive-backed Pipit
  34. Spotted Dove
  35. White-throated Kingfisher
  36. Red-rumped Swallow
  37. Lesser Whistling Teal
  38. Common Kingfisher
  39. Black Stork
  40. Green Bee-Eater
  41. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
  42. Red-vented Bulbul
  43. Long-billed Vulture
  44. Grey Capped Pigmy Woodpecker
  45. Chestnut-shouldered Petronia
  46. Crested Serpent Eagle
  47. Black Redstart
  48. Brahminy Starling
  49. Brown Fish Owl
  50. Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
  51. Malabar Pied Hornbill
  52. Common Kestrel
  53. White-throated Fantail Flycatcher
  54. Rufous Woodpecker
  55. Sapphire Flycatcher
  56. Changeable Hawk Eagle (Cirrhatus)
  57. Oriental Turtle Dove
  58. White-rumped Vulture
  59. Lesser Kestrel
  60. Large Cuckooshrike
  61. Pied Bushchat
  62. Black-winged Cuckooshrike
  63. Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker
  64. House Sparrow
  65. Golden Oriole
  66. Rose-ringed Parakeet
  67. Paddyfield Pipit
  68. Dusky Crag Martin
  69. Long-tailed Shrike
  70. Black Ibis
  71. White-necked Stork
  72. Purple Sunbird
  73. Giant Leafbird
  74. Tickell's Flowerpecker
  75. Little Cormorant
  76. Little Brown Dove
  77. White-tailed Swallow
  78. Jungle Babbler
  79. Shikra
  80. Jungle Myna
  81. Common Tailorbird
  82. Red Collared Dove
  83. Red-necked Vulture
  84. Painted Francolin
  85. Eurasian Thick-knee
  86. Common Sandpiper
  87. Lesser Spotted Eagle
  88. Greater Whistling Teal
  89. Great Cormorant
  90. Pied Kingfisher
  91. Laughing dove
  92. Bonelli's Eagle
  93. Dark Black Crow


External links

Bandhavgarh travel guide from Wikitravel